Carpentaria Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Carpentaria area.
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Traditional Owner Groups
Phonetic GkuthaarnDescription Carpentaria Shire is the traditional country of the Gkuthaarn, Kukatj and Kurtijar people. -
Phonetic KukatjDescription The Kukatj are an Aboriginal Australian people of the Cape York Peninsula in the state of Queensland. They are to be distinguished from the Kukatja of Western Australia and the Luritja of the Northern Territory, who have also historically been known as Kukatja. -
Phonetic KurtijarDescription Kurtijar People are the Traditional Owners of the land, rivers, and saltwater country in the south-east Gulf of Carpentaria. We are proud of our culture and welcome visitors to experience our country.Phone (07) 4745 1422Email [email protected]