Burke Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Burke area.

Traditional Owner Groups
Gangalidda Garawa
Phonetic Gangalidda GarawaDescription Gangalidda and Garawa country is shared by our families and clan groups. Our land ownership system is based on the Dreaming our ancestors created and the places our ancestors lived on. It extends beyond our native title claims and Aboriginal Land Trust areas and crosses over borders such as the Northern Territory-Queensland divide. We have strong ties to our country through our traditional family estates.Phone (07) 4745 5132Email [email protected] -
Phonetic Wanyi, Wanji, or WaanjiDescription The Waanyi people, also spelt Wanyi, Wanji, or Waanji, are an Aboriginal Australian people from south of the Gulf of Carpentaria in Queensland and the Northern Territory.