Port Hedland Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Port Hedland area.
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Port Hedland
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Traditional Owner Groups
Phonetic KariyarraDescription The Kariyarra people live around the town of Port Hedland area in the north-west of Western Australia; from Port Hedland west to the Sherlock River and south to the Yule River.Website https://www.kariyarra.com.au/Phone (08) 9172 5525Email [email protected] -
Phonetic NgarlaDescription The Ngarla People are the traditional owners of an area of land east of Port Hedland that covers the DeGrey and Pardoo pastoral stations, which spans approximately 4,655 sq km. They distinguish themselves from other Aboriginal groups in surrounding areas by the geographical description of ngaru kartipaku, meaning "from the coast side". -
Phonetic NjamalDescription The Njamal people traditionally occupied lands in and around Port Hedland.