Northern Grampians Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Northern Grampians area.
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Northern Grampians
Community Diretory
Northern Grampians
Community Diary
Northern Grampians
Community Info

Traditional Owner Groups
Dja Dja Wurrung Peoples
Phonetic Dja Dja WurrungDescription "The Dja Dja Wurrung Peoples are a Traditional Owner Group entity that has fought to be recognised as the Traditional Owners of djandak, in Central Victoria. Through self-determination, Dja Dja Wurrung People achieved Registered Aboriginal Party status, and signed our Recognition and Settlement Agreement with the State Government on the 28 March 2013."Website (03) 5444 2888Email [email protected] -
Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagulk Nations
Phonetic Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and JupagalkDescription Barengi Gadjin Land Council represents Traditional Owners from the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagulk peoples, who were recognised in a 2005 Native Title Consent Determination, the first in south-eastern Australia.Website (03) 5381 0977Email [email protected]
Our Neighbouring Councils
Our Localities
- Avon Plains
- Banyena
- Beazleys Bridge
- Bellellen
- Bellfield
- Black Range
- Bolangum
- Bulgana
- Callawadda
- Campbells Bridge
- Carapooee
- Carapooee West
- Concongella
- Cope Cope
- Dalyenong
- Deep Lead
- Emu
- Fyans Creek
- Germania
- Glenorchy
- Gooroc
- Grays Bridge
- Gre Gre
- Gre Gre North
- Gre Gre South
- Halls Gap
- Illawarra
- Joel Joel
- Joel South
- Kanya
- Kooreh
- Lake Fyans
- Lake Lonsdale
- Landsborough West
- Ledcourt
- Marnoo
- Marnoo East
- Marnoo West
- Mokepilly
- Moolerr
- Morrl Morrl
- Mount Dryden
- Moyreisk
- Navarre
- Riachella
- Rich Avon
- Rich Avon East
- Rich Avon West
- Roses Gap
- St Arnaud
- Stawell
- Swanwater
- Swanwater West
- Tottington
- Traynors Lagoon
- Tulkara
- Wal Wal
- Wallaloo
- Wallaloo East
- Winjallok
- York Plains
- Zumsteins