East Gippsland Give Local
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East Gippsland
Community Diretory
East Gippsland
Community Diary
East Gippsland
Community Info

Traditional Owner Groups
Gunaikurnai People
Phonetic GunaikurnaiDescription Gunaikurnai people are the Traditional Owners of much of Gippsland. There are approximately 3,000 Gunaikurnai people, and our territory includes the coastal and inland areas to the southern slopes of the Victorian Alps. Gunaikurnai people are made up of five major clans; the Brataualung, the Brayakaulung, the Brabralung, the Tatungalung and the Krauatungalung. The Brataualung people in South Gippsland. From Cape Liptrap and Tarwin Meadows, east to the mouth of Merriman Creek; inland to near Mirboo; at Port Albert and Wilsons Promontory. The Brayakaulung people around the current site of Sale. From Providence Ponds, Avon and Latrobe rivers west of Lake Wellington to Mounts Baw Baw and Howitt. The Brabralung people are from Central Gippsland. From Mitchell, Nicholson, and Tambo rivers; south to about Bairnsdale and Bruthen. The Tatungalung people near Lakes Entrance on the coast. Along the Ninety Mile Beach and about Lakes Victoria and Wellington from Lakes Entrance southwest to mouth of Merriman Creek, also on Raymond Island in Lake King. The Krauatungalung people near the Snowy River. From Cape Everard (Point Hicks) to Lakes Entrance; on Cann, Brodribb, Buchan, and Snowy rivers; inland to about Black Mountain. The Gunaikurnai people are recognised by the Federal Court and the State of Victoria as the Traditional Owners of a large area of Gippsland spanning from Warragul in the west to the Snowy River in the east, and from the Great Divide in the north to the coast in the south, approx. 10% of the state. The Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation is the Registered Aboriginal Party for the Gunaikurnai, the Traditional Owners of our Country, as determined by the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council under the Aboriginal Heritage Act, 2006.Website https://gunaikurnai.org/Phone (03) 5152 5100Email reception@glawac.com.au -
Monero People
Phonetic Mon-e-roDescription We are the Ngarigo Monero people, ‘our people have always been connected to the coastline as well as the mountains’. Our continual connection to places, sites and stories is caring for ancestral lands, our cultural practices are held in our collective knowledge and has been shared down the generations. -
Bidawel People
Phonetic Bid-a-wal, Bid-ha-wal, Bid-wellDescription The Bidawal (also known as Bidhawal and Bidwell) were an Australian Aboriginal tribe of Gippsland, Victoria.
Our Neighbouring Councils
Our Localities
- Anglers Rest
- Bairnsdale
- Banksia Peninsula
- Bellbird Creek
- Bemm River
- Benambra
- Bendoc
- Bengworden
- Bete Bolong
- Bete Bolong North
- Billabong
- Bindi
- Bingo Munjie
- Bonang
- Boole Poole
- Broadlands
- Brodribb River
- Brookville
- Brumby
- Bruthen
- Buchan
- Buchan South
- Buldah
- Bullumwaal
- Bumberrah
- Bundara
- Butchers Ridge
- Cabbage Tree Creek
- Calulu
- Cann River
- Cape Conran
- Cassilis
- Chandlers Creek
- Clifton Creek
- Club Terrace
- Cobbannah
- Cobberas
- Cobungra
- Combienbar
- Corringle
- Deddick Valley
- Delegate River
- Deptford
- Doctors Flat
- Double Bridges
- Eagle Point
- East Bairnsdale
- Eastwood
- Ellaswood
- Ensay
- Ensay North
- Errinundra
- Fairy Dell
- Fernbank
- Flaggy Creek
- Forge Creek
- Gelantipy
- Genoa
- Gipsy Point
- Glen Valley
- Glen Wills
- Glenaladale
- Goon Nure
- Goongerah
- Granite Rock
- Haydens Bog
- Hillside
- Hinnomunjie
- Iguana Creek
- Jarrahmond
- Johnsonville
- Kalimna
- Kalimna West
- Lake Bunga
- Lake Tyers
- Lake Tyers Beach
- Lakes Entrance
- Lindenow
- Lindenow South
- Lucknow
- Mallacoota
- Manorina
- Maramingo Creek
- Marlo
- Marthavale
- Melwood
- Merrijig
- Metung
- Mossiface
- Mount Taylor
- Murrindal
- Nelse
- Newlands Arm
- Newmerella
- Nicholson
- Noorinbee
- Noorinbee North
- Nowa Nowa
- Nungurner
- Nunniong
- Nurran
- Nyerimilang
- Ocean Grange
- Omeo
- Omeo Valley
- Orbost
- Paynesville
- Raymond Island
- Reedy Flat
- Ryans
- Sarsfield
- Shannonvale
- Simpsons Creek
- Stirling
- Suggan Buggan
- Swan Reach
- Swifts Creek
- Tabberabbera
- Tambo Crossing
- Tambo Upper
- Tamboon
- Timbarra
- Tonghi Creek
- Tongio
- Toorloo Arm
- Tostaree
- Tubbut
- W Tree
- Wairewa
- Wallagaraugh
- Walpa
- Wangarabell
- Waterholes
- Waygara
- Wentworth
- Wingan River
- Wiseleigh
- Wombat Creek
- Woodglen
- Wroxham
- Wuk Wuk
- Wulgulmerang
- Wulgulmerang East
- Wulgulmerang West
- Wy Yung
- Yalmy