George Town Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the George Town area.
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George Town
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George Town
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George Town
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Traditional Owner Groups
Phonetic LeterremairrenerDescription Port Dalrymple territory -
Phonetic PanninherDescription for 40,000 years the Palawa people (Tasmanian Aboriginal people) lived in harmony with the land throughout Tasmania, the tribal groups who lived in the Tamar area known as the Leterremairrener, Panninher and Tyerrernotepanner peoples. -
Phonetic TyerrernotepannerDescription For 40,000 years the Palawa people (Tasmanian Aboriginal people) lived in harmony with the land throughout Tasmania, the tribal groups who lived in the Tamar area known as the Leterremairrener, Panninher and Tyerrernotepanner peoples.