Central Highlands Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Central Highlands area.
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Central Highlands
Community Diretory
Central Highlands
Community Diary
Central Highlands
Community Info

Traditional Owner Groups
Phonetic Pa-la-waDescription The palawa (Tasmanian Aboriginal) people are the traditional owners of lutruwita (aboriginal name for Tasmania).
Our Neighbouring Councils
Our Localities
- Apsley
- Arthurs Lake
- Bothwell
- Bradys Lake
- Brandum
- Breona
- Bronte Park
- Butlers Gorge
- Central Plateau
- Cramps Bay
- Dee
- Derwent Bridge
- Doctors Point
- Ellendale
- Fentonbury
- Flintstone
- Florentine
- Gretna
- Hamilton
- Hermitage
- Hollow Tree
- Interlaken
- Lake Sorell
- Lake St Clair
- Liawenee
- Little Pine Lagoon
- London Lakes
- Meadowbank
- Miena
- Morass Bay
- Osterley
- Ouse
- Pelham
- Reynolds Neck
- Shannon
- Steppes
- Strickland
- Tarraleah
- Tods Corner
- Victoria Valley
- Waddamana
- Wayatinah
- Wilburville