Tumby Bay Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Tumby Bay area.
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Phonetic BaRNgaRLa The letter R before N or L or D means that the N or L or D are what linguists call a “retroflex”. A retroflex consonant is pronounced when the tip of the tongue is raised and bent backwards, so that the underside of the tongue is behind the alveolar ridge or touches the palate.Description Barngarla people are the original inhabitants of the area spanning from the Northern region of Spencer Gulf up to the south of Port Lincoln. Some of the Dreamtime stories of the Barngarla people connect us to the northern parts of the country too. Port Augusta has been a cultural hub, as well as a trading centre for the Aboriginal peoples across the region.Website https://www.barngarla.com/Email [email protected]