Tatiara Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Tatiara area.

Traditional Owner Groups
Phonetic NgarkatDescription The Ngarkat lands had linked the mallee peoples of Victoria and South Australia to the river peoples of the Murray River Murraylands. -
Phonetic PotaruwutjDescription Naracoorte west to within ten miles of the sea along the third inland dune range of the Coorong; at Taratap; north to Tatiara, Bordertown, Wirrega, and Keith. Eight or more hordes; ['wutj] = man. Their name Potaruwutj for themselves means 'wandering' or 'traveling' men and is based on their constantly shifting campings in the mallee country. Some of their country was south of the main belt of mallee frequented by their northern neighbors, the Ngarkat, who were the real Tatiara or mallee scrub frequenters. The southern tribes tended to call them all Tatiara folk.
Our Neighbouring Councils
Our Localities
- Bangham
- Beeamma
- Bordertown
- Bordertown South
- Brimbago
- Buckingham
- Cannawigara
- Carew
- Custon
- Geegeela
- Glen Roy
- Keith
- Kongal
- Laffer
- Lowan Vale
- Makin
- Mccallum
- Mount Charles
- Mundulla
- Mundulla West
- Ngarkat
- Padthaway
- Parsons
- Pendleton
- Petherick
- Pine Hill
- Pooginagoric
- Senior
- Shaugh
- Sherwood
- Swede Flat
- Tatiara
- Western Flat
- Willalooka
- Wirrega
- Wolseley