Port Adelaide Enfield Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Port Adelaide Enfield area.
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Port Adelaide Enfield
Community Diretory
Port Adelaide Enfield
Community Diary
Port Adelaide Enfield
Community Info

Traditional Owner Groups
Phonetic KaurnaDescription Kaurna Aboriginal people are the Traditional Owners of the Adelaide plains in South Australia. Kaurna land extends north towards Crystal Brook, down the Adelaide plains, south along the coast to Cape Jervis and is bounded by the Mount Lofty Ranges to the east. The arrival of the European settlers disrupted the Kaurna way of life that relied on mobility within their defined territory. Within twenty years, many Kaurna had died from illnesses and diseases introduced by the settlers and the survivors were transported to a native settlement at Poonindie, near Port Lincoln on the Eyre Peninsula. Since the 1960s people of Kaurna descent started to move back to Adelaide areas to live and revive Kaurna culture.
Our Neighbouring Councils
Our Localities
- Alberton
- Angle Park
- Birkenhead
- Blair Athol
- Broadview
- Clearview
- Collinswood
- Croydon Park
- Devon Park
- Dry Creek
- Dudley Park
- Enfield
- Ethelton
- Exeter
- Ferryden Park
- Gepps Cross
- Gilles Plains
- Gillman
- Glanville
- Greenacres
- Hampstead Gardens
- Hillcrest
- Kilburn
- Klemzig
- Largs Bay
- Largs North
- Lightsview
- Manningham
- Mansfield Park
- New Port
- North Haven
- Northfield
- Northgate
- Oakden
- Osborne
- Ottoway
- Outer Harbor
- Peterhead
- Port Adelaide
- Queenstown
- Regency Park
- Rosewater
- Rosewater East
- Semaphore
- Semaphore South
- Taperoo
- Torrens Island
- Valley View
- Windsor Gardens
- Wingfield
- Woodville Gardens