Rockhampton Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Rockhampton area.
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Community Diretory
Community Diary
Community Info

Traditional Owner Groups
Phonetic Da-rum-balDescription Darumbal People are the Traditional Custodians of the Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast Area. Our Traditional Boundaries are Styx River to the North, Raglan Creek to the South, Westwood and bottom of Mt Morgan Range to the West. The Darumbal people lived in harmony with their country. There were four clan groups which constituted the Darumbal Nation. Our clans all lived within their own territorial boundaries they considered theirs, these boundaries were marked by Mountains, Creeks, Tree’s all-natural landmarks.Phone (07) 4926 0026Email [email protected]
Our Neighbouring Councils
Our Localities
- Allenstown
- Alton Downs
- Bajool
- Baree
- Berserker
- Boulder Creek
- Bouldercombe
- Bushley
- Dalma
- Depot Hill
- Fairy Bower
- Fletcher Creek
- Frenchville
- Garnant
- Glenroy
- Gogango
- Gracemere
- Hamilton Creek
- Horse Creek
- Johnsons Hill
- Kabra
- Kalapa
- Kawana
- Koongal
- Lakes Creek
- Leydens Hill
- Limestone
- Limestone Creek
- Marmor
- Midgee
- Moongan
- Morinish
- Morinish South
- Mount Archer
- Mount Morgan
- Nine Mile
- Nine Mile Creek
- Norman Gardens
- Oakey Creek
- Park Avenue
- Parkhurst
- Pink Lily
- Port Alma
- Port Curtis
- Ridgelands
- Rockhampton
- South Yaamba
- Stanwell
- Struck Oil
- The Common
- The Mine
- The Range
- Trotter Creek
- Walmul
- Walterhall
- Wandal
- West Rockhampton
- Westwood
- Wura
- Wycarbah