Diamantina Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Diamantina area.
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Traditional Owner Groups
Phonetic Wangkamahdla, Wangkamadla, Wangkamanha, Wangkamana, Wonkamala, Wongkamala, WonkamudlaDescription The Wanggamala people, also spelt Wangkamahdla, Wangkamadla, Wangkamanha, Wangkamana, Wonkamala, Wongkamala, Wonkamudla, and other variants, are an Aboriginal Australian people of the Northern Territory and Queensland. -
Phonetic KaranyaDescription The Karanja (Karanya) were an indigenous Australian people of the state of Queensland. -
Phonetic MithikaDescription Mithaka People are Traditional Owners who in accordance with Mithaka customary laws and traditions have social, economic, cultural and spiritual affiliations with, and responsibilities for, Mithaka traditional land and waters. They mainly come from two families groups – the Gorringe and McCarthy Families.Website https://mithaka.org.au/about-us/Phone 0419 895 386Email [email protected]