Wingecarribee Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Wingecarribee area.
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Traditional Owner Groups
Phonetic Gundungara, Gandangarra, GandangaraDescription The Gundungurra people, also spelt Gundungara, Gandangarra, Gandangara and other variations, are an Aboriginal Australian people in south-eastern New South Wales, Australia. Their traditional lands include present day Goulburn, Wollondilly Shire, The Blue Mountains and the Southern Highlands. -
Phonetic DharawalDescription The Dharawal, or Tharawal are indigenous or Aboriginal people of Australia, identified by the Dharawal (or Tharawal) language. Traditionally, they lived as hunter–fisher–gatherers in family groups or clans with ties of kinship, scattered along the coastal area of what is now the Sydney basin in New South Wales.
Our Neighbouring Councils
Our Localities
- Alpine
- Avoca
- Avon
- Aylmerton
- Balaclava
- Balmoral
- Belanglo
- Berrima
- Bowral
- Braemar
- Bullio
- Bundanoon
- Burradoo
- Burrawang
- Canyonleigh
- Colo Vale
- East Bowral
- East Kangaloon
- Exeter
- Fitzroy Falls
- Glenquarry
- Goodmans Ford
- High Range
- Hill Top
- Joadja
- Kangaloon
- Manchester Square
- Mandemar
- Medway
- Meryla
- Mittagong
- Moss Vale
- Mount Lindsey
- Mount Murray
- New Berrima
- Paddys River
- Penrose
- Renwick
- Robertson
- Sutton Forest
- Upper Kangaroo Valley
- Welby
- Werai
- Wildes Meadow
- Willow Vale
- Wingello
- Wombeyan Caves
- Woodlands
- Yerrinbool