Wagga Wagga Give Local
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Visit the official Wagga Wagga websiteThe Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Wagga Wagga area.
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Wagga Wagga
Community Diretory
Wagga Wagga
Community Diary
Wagga Wagga
Community Info

Traditional Owner Groups
Phonetic WiradyuriDescription The Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri people are the people of the three rivers – the Wambool (Macquarie), the Calare (Lachlan) and the Murrumbidgee. They have lived in these lands and along these rivers for more than 40,000 years. The Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri people are identified as a coherent group as they maintained a cycle of ceremonies that moved in a ring around the whole tribal area.
Our Neighbouring Councils
Our Localities
- Alfredtown
- Ashmont
- Belfrayden
- Big Springs
- Bomen
- Book Book
- Boorooma
- Borambola
- Bourkelands
- Brookdale
- Brucedale
- Bulgary
- Burrandana
- Cartwrights Hill
- Charles Sturt University
- Collingullie
- Currawarna
- Dhulura
- Downside
- East Wagga Wagga
- Estella
- Euberta
- Eunanoreenya
- Forest Hill
- Galore
- Gelston Park
- Glenfield Park
- Gobbagombalin
- Gregadoo
- Gumly Gumly
- Hillgrove
- Humula
- Kapooka
- Kooringal
- Kyeamba
- Ladysmith
- Lake Albert
- Lloyd
- Mangoplah
- Maxwell
- Moorong
- Mount Austin
- North Wagga Wagga
- Oberne Creek
- Oura
- Pulletop
- Red Hill
- Rowan
- San Isidore
- Springvale
- Tarcutta
- Tatton
- The Gap
- Tolland
- Turvey Park
- Uranquinty
- Wagga Wagga
- Wallacetown
- Yarragundry